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a search engine [复制链接]

a search engine
Consider the first thing your potential customers see when they find your web page using a search engine - a list of potential competitors' sites and your own. Along with each link displayed on that initial searchjerseys page, there's also the title of the web page that the search engine found and a short description of that web page. A careful selection of keywords in that description can have an impact on page ranking. But the right content can be a powerful advertising tool. So take time to work on this text, because regardless of where you are on the page, you want your site to be the one clicked on. And getting the content right involves considering the human factor. What about the text of your web page? The prevailing wisdohockey jerseysm seems to be that a keyword density of about 2% is optimal and that more than 7% is too much. Generally focus on optimizing a few different keywords per page. For example, if you're a widget-seller, don't put a list of all the widgets that you sell on one page. On the other hand, focusing on only one keyword a page may flag you as a spammer by some search engines. aphics and can't readily index frames or Flash animation. So while it's sometimes easier to design a web page using text that's part of an image, try to avoid this, since all that deathless prose will be wasted. A robot will get your customers to your website, but your customers aren't robots, so once attracted, your web content still needs to be meaningful, benefits-oriented, and engaging enough to make viewers want to bnfl jerseys wholesaleuy and keep buying. Are You At The Fringes Of The WorlOf course you look at your page rank. We all do. It's oddly compelling once you have a website. There are two main factors that influence search engine rankings: the content of your website and the relationship of your website to other websites. Content for Robots nba jerseys wholesale To optimize content, you have to think like a search engine. A search engine doesn't care how imaginative your headlines are. While words like "new" and "amazing" can have some impact in a traditional ad, no one searches using these terms. At best, the words are just fluff. At worst, they represent a missed opportunity to use a keyword that could drive traffic to your site. Your best position is a tough one to achieve since it requires providing content that's creative and that entices the robots searching for and indexing web pages. How important SEO content is to you depends upon your business model. Who are the decision-makers who will actually trigger sales of your products or services? Do these people really make decisions based on a Google or Yahoo! search? Is your business going to succeed by mass marketing (maybe it will if you sell a commodity) or by niche marketing? The amount of effort and money you spend on SEO strategies should be guided by your answers to these questions. d Wide Web Or At The Center?christian louboutin How do you control what a search engine displays? Some search engines recognize the META Description tag in your code and will display it on the search page. Other search engines will take text from the first paragraph of your web page. So count on both possibilities and write concise , compelling copy focussed on a few important keywords and include this kind of copy in both the Meta Description tag and in the first paragraph. Do this for every web page in your site. Different descriptions tailored to each web page's central message can attract different consumers. If someone lands on an internal web page, they're likely to check out your home page and other portions of your site as well. While META Description tags are often displayed on search pages, META keyword tags are a relic of another age and most search engines today don't rely on them to index content. If you do use them, limit their number (e.g., about 15 words) since some search engines may actually penalize you for excessive use. Again, choose keywords that actually appear on your Web page. If you need The other way that search engines rank web pages is by evaluating christian louboutin shoesinbound links. It's a bit like a popularity contest - if a lot of people refer to you by linking to your site, you must be good. So being closer to the center of the Web with lots of links connecting to your site is better than being at the fringes. But a high quantity of inbound links will not be enough. Google, for example, uses a proprietary algorithm to determine the "quality" of inbound links. Some relevant factors include the relatedness of the inbound site to yours (whether it offers similar products or services) and the popularity of the linking site (based on numbers of clicks). It's like the difference between getting a recommendation from a high-powered person who can objectively evaluate your offerings vs. from your mom or dad; the former just carries more weight. What about links from your own site reaching out to other sites? Large numbers of outbound links may reduce your page rankings, but we're talking about over a hundred a page. Outbound links to inform and engage your site visitors should certainly be included.
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